42 results

  1. Managing medium to high-risk activities

    Learn how to manage medium to high-risk business activities...

  2. Understanding your environmental obligations

    Understand and manage your business’s environmental obligations...

  3. Subordinate legislation tools

    We’re developing environment protection regulations and environment reference standards. Find out how to get involved...

  4. Laws and your business

    The new Environment Protection Amendment Act 2017 will change how Victoria regulates pollution, waste and contamination from businesses...

  5. Industrial waste

    Find out what your obligations are if you generate, manage or transport industrial waste...

  6. Waste classification

    Classification is the process of identifying and describing industrial waste. You must classify your waste to minimise risks of harm to human health and the environment...

  7. Check if you need a permission

    How to know if you need a permission once the new Environment Protection Act 2017 becomes law, 1 July 2021...

  8. Managing waste

    New environmental laws will require all Victorians to take responsibility for managing waste...

  9. EPA's compliance approach

    EPA’s role is to protect the environment and human health from the impacts of pollution and waste. The draft Compliance and Enforcement Policy (C&E Policy) describes how EPA will ensure people do the...

  10. Managing low-risk activities

    Learn how to manage low-risk business activities...