Public input is central to how EPA administers the Environment Protection Act 2017.

We issue development licences for the development of industrial and waste management activities that could impact the environment. An EPA licence allows a business to run certain activities at a licensed premise.

Find out about the development licence consultation processes

An EPA Permission allows a business to develop or operate certain activities. We Issue development and operating licences for the development and operation of industrial and waste management activities that could impact the environment or human health. They help us prevent pollution and manage waste from industry.

A development licence is for the design, construction, and modification stages of complex high-risk activities. An operating licence is required to undertake the activities.

We conduct public consultation on development licence applications. This includes the following steps:

  1. We provide notification on our website and at least one other publication such as a state-wide or local newspaper.
  2. We make the application and all relating information available on our website unless it is marked as commercial-in-confidence.
  3. We invite the community or any interested party to comment or make a submission on the application. This submission period lasts for at least 15 business days.

We must consider all submissions as part of our decision-making process of whether to issue or refuse to issue a development licence. You will be notified of our decision if you make a submission.

We may also hold a conference of interested parties to discuss a development licence application. The conference will be chaired by an independent moderator. All submitters will be invited to the conference, but these events are public, and anyone can attend. We must consider comments made during the conference in our decision-making process.

EPA's Charter of Consultation

The Charter of Consultation outlines key parts of our laws that require or may benefit from consultation. The Charter outlines how we undertake consultation when assessing development licence applications.

Have your say on development licence applications

We invite public comment and submissions on development licence applications below and previously via Engage Victoria.

You can find a list of current development licence applications and provide feedback and comments below.

We keep these pages up to date with the latest application details including status of our assessment and, when made, our decisions to grant or refuse to grant a licence. We will notify you of our decision if you’ve made a submission on an application.

Development licence decisions

Appeal against development licence decisions

You may be able to appeal against a decision by EPA to issue a development licence.

The decision may be reviewed by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). Your application for review must be lodged within 15 business days after the day of the decision being made.

For further information contact VCAT on (03) 9628 9777.

Read next 

Read about EPA’s commitment to consult in our Charter of Consultation



Operating Licences (and how to apply)

Development Licences (and how to apply)

Register of permissions, exemptions, authorisations, designations and better environment plans


Reviewed 16 August 2022