Businesses must make sure their sites and operations don't pollute water. Water pollution happens when substances like oil and chemicals get in our rivers, lakes, creeks and bays.

Examples of water pollution from businesses include:

  • wastewater like sewage and industrial waste impacting water quality
  • dairy farms washing pesticides, fertilisers and animal manure into waterways
  • stormwater washing car oil, dust and building site sediment into drains
  • ship ballast water contaminating the sea. 

EPA protects water quality through the State Environment Protection Policy (Waters). We also monitor water quality. We can fine businesses for polluting Victoria's water.

Follow the urban stormwater best practice guidelines for help meeting stormwater regulations.

We also give guidance on how to conserve, reuse and recycle wastewater to help protect water in Victoria. 

Severe weather can impact water and sewage networks. Water companies have a responsibility to prevent water pollution during a weather emergency.

There are ways water companies can offset the impacts of wastewater getting into waterways. We call these water quality offsets.

Find guidance to prevent water pollution

Find guidance about stormwater

Find guidance for water companies

Reviewed 15 September 2020