Current alerts affecting Port Phillip Bay and its associated water catchments

Avoid contact with water at Tanti Creek, Mornington

Issued Wednesday, 4th December 2024 at 12:00 pm

There has been a sewer spill from a manhole into Tanti creek near John Rowell Lane, Mornington. Avoid contact with the water until further notice.

Avoid contact with water at Stony Creek, Yarraville

Issued Friday, 22nd November 2024 at 1:30 pm

EPA Officers are investigating discoloured water in Stony Creek near Cruikshank park in Yarraville. Avoid contact with the water until further notice.

Avoid contact with water at Koonung Koonung Creek, Nunawading

Issued Wednesday, 20th November 2024 at 2:00 pm

EPA Officers have investigated discoloured water in Koonung Koonung Creek at the Eastern Freeway Linear Reserve in Nunawading. No source of pollution could be identified. Avoid contact with the water until further notice.

Blue-green algae bloom at Round Lake, Caroline Springs

Issued Monday, 20th November at 12:00pm

Please be advised that a blue-green algae bloom has been identified and confirmed at Round Lake, Caroline Springs (Cnr of Western Hwy and Caroline Springs Blvd). There is signage at key access points to the lake. Melbourne Water has instigated weekly testing and will continue to monitor the bloom until it has cleared.

Blue-green algae bloom at Gladstone Street Wetlands, Cairnlea

Issued Monday, 18th November at 5:00pm

Please be advised that a blue-green algae bloom has been identified and confirmed at Gladstone Street Wetlands, Cairnlea (adjacent to Gladstone St, St Albans or Edgewater Cct, Cairnlea). There is signage at key access points to the lake. Melbourne Water has instigated weekly testing and will continue to monitor the bloom until it has cleared.

Environmental water release for the Lower Werribee River

Issued Tuesday, 12th November 2024 at 11:00 am

Melbourne Water will be conducting a environmental water release for the Lower Werribee River. It will commence the spring low flow release of approximately 225 megalitres (ML) of water for the environment for the lower Werribee River from Tuesday 12 November to Friday 15 November. The release will start from Melton Reservoir. It will pass over the lower Werribee Diversion Weir on Wednesday 13 November to Friday 15 November with a peak flow of 80 megalitres per day. Melbourne Water expect minor increases in the water level which is well within the natural seasonal variation of the river system. A river level rise of approximately 20cm on current conditions may be experienced downstream of the lower diversion weir. River level rise experienced between Melton Reservoir and the lower diversion weir will be well within current operations of the river, as experienced in recent days and weeks.

Swim advisory for Launching Place at Yarra River

Issued Friday, 8th November 2024 at 2:00 pm

EPA testing has confirmed unacceptable water quality at Launching Place (Don Road). The exact location of poor water quality can be found by zooming in on the pin on the Yarra Watch webpage map. Avoid swimming until further notice by EPA Victoria.

Avoid contact with water at Edwardes Lake, Reservoir

Issued Friday, 25th October 2024 at 01:49 pm

There are reports of an oil-like substance in Edwardes Lake, Reservoir. EPA officers are investigating. Avoid contact with the water until further notice.  

Environmental water release for the Werribee River

Issued Thursday, 30th August 2024 at 11:00 am.

Melbourne Water will be conducting a environmental water release for the Werribee River. This will give the Werribee River a boost with a continuous base flow delivery, through a small series of freshening flows and a spring high along Pyrites Creek from September to mid-November. The deliveries will commence on Monday 2nd September from Merrimu Reservoir along Pyrites Creek to Melton Reservoir. It is expected slight increases in the water level, which is well within the natural variation of the river system. 

PFAS risk assessment on fish in Maribyrnong River

Issued Tuesday, 7th May 2019 at 2:00 pm.

EPA has conducted a risk assessment on levels of PFAS in fish caught from the Maribyrnong River. As a result EPA recommends anglers don’t consume fish caught from the Maribyrnong River upstream of Solomons Ford in Avondale Heights to Deep Creek at Bulla, and within all of Arundel Creek. 

More information

Reviewed 4 December 2024