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Priority sites

A priority site is:

  • a site issued with a current clean up notice or pollution abatement notice


  • a site issued with a current environmental action notice or other notice to manage contamination.

These notices are issued to make sure people clean up or manage pollution and waste.

Priority sites’ contamination may pose a risk to human health or the environment. These sites’ condition means they’re no longer fit for their approved land uses without management or cleanup.

To reduce risk to human health and the environment, priority sites require management such as:

  • cleanup
  • monitoring
  • site controls.

If you manage or control land you believe could be contaminated, you are obligated to assess and manage any risks to human health or the environment under the general environmental duty or the duty to manage and duty to notify.

Sites are removed from the Priority Sites Register once all conditions of applicable notices have been complied with.

Priority Sites Register

The Priority Sites Register (PSR) is publicly available. This information is updated monthly.

Download the Priority Sites Register (PDF 295KB) 

It doesn’t include:

  • all contaminated sites in Victoria
  • all contaminated sites we know about – for example, those subject to land-use planning controls that local councils administer.

People who buy land should be aware of the above. It is their responsibility to check the condition of the land they buy.

Sites are removed from the PSR when they comply with their remedial notice(s).

More information about the PSR

You can view the PSR with the Victorian Government’s Landata Land & Survey Spatial Info service.

Contact us for further information about the PSR. 

Reviewed 8 August 2024