EPA Victoria is excited once again to be a sponsor of the Premier’s Sustainability Awards. This year we are sponsoring the Healthy Environment - Industry Leader Award.

“Like you, we want Victoria’s environment to be a liveable, healthy place. A place where our air, water and land are free of harmful pollutants, now and always,” said EPA CEO Lee Miezis.

“The Healthy Environment – Industry Leader award aims to recognise a Victorian business demonstrating leadership, commitment and excellence in environmental protection and is open to Industry Leaders,” he said.

Mr Miezis said he believed the environment was top of mind for many in the community, especially since the new Environment Protection Act 2017 was introduced on 1 July 2021.

“It will better protect Victoria’s environment from harm. An important part of the new Act is the general environmental duty (GED) which applies to all Victorians and requires anyone conducting an activity that poses risks to public health and the environment to understand and minimise those risks,” he said.

“If you have contributed to a better Victorian environment and are eligible, we want you to enter.”

Eligible entries include projects that have demonstrated positive outcomes for protecting the environmental quality or health of a local Victorian environment, particular note will be made of projects demonstrating stakeholder collaboration and innovative approaches which exceed best practice.

Benefits of entering the awards include: 
    - Review your environmental management success 
    - Reward and recognise staff
    - Public recognition at the highest level 
    - Utilise the prestigious awards in your marketing strategy 
    - Network with key environmental, industry and government groups

Past winners include Yarra Riverkeeper Association and Cleanwater Group, which banded together to mitigate the negative effects of litter and polystyrene pollution in the Yarra; Greening the West, a collaboration aimed at delivering positive health, social and liveability outcomes in Melbourne’s west by a planting one million trees; Zoos Victoria, Phillip Island Nature Parks, a campaign which encouraged the use of bubbles instead of balloons at outdoor events, reducing plastic pollution and saving marine life.

Entries close on 30 July, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to have your business recognised as a leader in environmental protection. 

Read more at: 


Reviewed 4 August 2021