A bonfire of mixed green and industrial waste materials has cost a Hampton Park garden supply centre a $5,769 Fine.
In August, EPA Officers arrived at Lyndpark Garden Supplies Pty Ltd in Hallam Rd, Hampton Park after reports of smoke billowing from the site.
“On inspection they found a large soil stockpile of burnt green waste, chipboard, medium density fibreboard (MDF), plywood, sawn timber, cement sheeting, furniture and bricks,” said EPA South Metropolitan Regional Manager Viranga Abeywickrema.
“While the supply centre had applied to council for a green waste burnoff permit, they should not have added industrial waste to the fire. Waste like that needs to go to a properly licensed facility so that it does not cause harm to local air quality and the nearby community.
“The protection of the environment is everyone’s business and that has been a very clear message from EPA for sometime now. Lyndpark Garden Supplies should have known that and so a fine is appropriate.”
Just two months ago, EPA warned about a worrying increase in the number of illegal burnoffs being reported https://www.epa.vic.gov.au/about-epa/news-media-and-updates/media-releases-and-news/illegal-burnoffs-on-the-rise
“We’re very mindful that some people will try to save a few dollars by burning waste when they should be taking it to an appropriate facility. The fine Lyndpark Garden Supplies has just received will hopefully remind them that such behaviour is not going to be tolerated.”
Reviewed 16 November 2023