What it contains

This document explains the industry noise standards that apply in Victoria: State Environment Protection Policy (Control of Noise from Commerce, Industry and Trade) No. N–1 (SEPP N–1); and Noise from industry in regional Victoria: Recommended maximum noise levels from commerce, industry and trade premises in regional Victoria (NIRV; EPA publication 1411).SEPP N–1 and NIRV manage the impact of noise from commercial, industrial and trade premises on residential and other noise-sensitive uses. SEPP N–1 or NIRV should be consulted to determine the acceptable noise levels from industry. There is also Applying NIRV to proposed and existing industry,, which assists regulators in applying NIRV to a site. This document gives further background and information on SEPP N–1 and NIRV, through explanation of key policy settings and examples of application.
Publication number
Information Bulletin; Noise; Noise
Number of pages
Release date
28 October 2011

Reviewed 31 August 2023