What it contains

The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is Victoria's environmental regulator. It was established as an independent statutory authority established under the Environment Protection Act 1970 (EP Act).Our vision is a healthy environment that supports a liveable and prosperous Victoria. Our role is to be an effective regulator and an influencial authority on environmental impacts. One way we achieve compliance with the EPA Act is though targeted inspections conducted by our authorised officers of sites impacting on or posing a risk to the environment. This brochure explains the role, powers and activities of EPA authorised officers. It is available in printed format from EPA Customer Service - call 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842).
Publication number
Brochure; Compliance; Enforcement; Regulation; Authorised officers; Inspections; About EPA; Environment protection laws and regulations
Number of pages
Release date
6 February 2012
Document version

Reviewed 4 February 2022