What it contains

These two Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) publications (1601 - Air quality assessment – Morwell and surrounds February 2014 – May 2015, and 1600 - Water, soil and ash assessment – Morwell and surrounds February 2014 – May 2015) are based on EPA’s Hazelwood Recovery water, soil and air sampling and monitoring data collected during the Hazelwood mine fire, and in the 14-month period since the fire was declared safe on 25 March 2014. The reports document whether there have been any ongoing changes to water, soil and air quality in the Latrobe Valley region as a result of the Hazelwood mine fire. The program has not been designed to assess the overall state of the environment in the region. An executive summary (1602 - Hazelwood recovery environmental monitoring reports – Executive summary) provides an overview of the reports and the Hazelwood recovery environmental monitoring program.
Publication number
Air; Community Information; Environment Report
Number of pages
Release date
30 June 2015

Reviewed 31 August 2023