Step one: Log in

Log in to the EPA portal.

Receive waste - Step 1

Step two: Open the Manage waste menu

In the 'manage waste' menu, choose the 'waste receiver dashboard'.

Receive waste - Step 2

Step three: Waste receiver dashboard

In the 'waste receiver dashboard', you’ll see a list of your waste records if you are a receiver administrator.

Receiver administrators also have access to dashboard filters. How to filter waste records on the waste receiver dashboard explains how to use these filters.

Waste receiver dashboard 


Step four: Find waste record

Enter the waste record number in the search bar and click the magnifying glass, choose the record from the dashboard or use the filters to find the waste record.

Receive waste  Step 4 test

Step five: Receive waste

When you find the right record ID, click the arrow next to the record and select 'receive waste'.

Receive waste  Step 5 test


Step six: Administrator and permission site

In the waste record, scroll down to the question - Are you an administrator at the receiving site?

Click Yes if you’re the administrator at the receiving site.

Click No if you’re a site receiver at the weighbridge.

Next, click on the magnifying glass in the Permission site box and choose the relevant site. You can also search for the site by permission ID or name by using the search bar. 

Tip: You can use asterisk to search for a partial name or phrase. For example, *OL0003 will search for all operating licences that begin with ’OL0003’.

Click 'Select'.

Step seven: Package type

If the waste is in packages, select yes and enter the number of packages when prompted. 

Enter the amount of waste and units of waste.

Package type

Step eight: Add treatment code

Click 'add treatment code'.

Find the treatment code in the list or by entering the name in the search bar.

Click 'add'.

Tip: You can use asterisk to search for a partial name or phrase. For example, *inc will search for 'incineration on land' and 'incineration at sea'.

Step nine: Temporary confinement

Answer yes or no about 'temporary confinement'. Temporary confinement means you notify EPA when waste is received that your site may not be authorised to receive. Selecting 'yes' flags that the waste consignment has been placed in temporary isolation. Refer to permission condition PER_WM1 for more information.

Add any discrepancy information if applicable.  Use the additional information field to include any other relevant information. 

Click 'Add files' if you want to upload supporting documentation.

Click 'Submit' to finalise.

Receive waste - Step 9a

A confirmation screen will appear to confirm the waste record has been received.

Receive waste - Step 9b

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About Waste Tracker

Waste Tracker for receivers

Reviewed 10 February 2023