528 results

  1. 1490.1: Closed landfill guidelines

    The environmental risks posed by landfill sites continue for a significant period of time after waste acceptance has ceased. In order to ensure that the risks are appropriately quantified and managed...

  2. 1678: Smoky outside? Stay inside

    This poster provides information about what to do when there is smoke outside and you are not under threat from fire...

  3. 1653: Melbourne Regional Landfill works approval decision

    Landfill Operations Pty Ltd (a wholly owned subsidiary of Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd) has proposed an extension of the Melbourne Regional Landfill. The proposed extension requires a works approval...

  4. 1651: Hazelwood coal mine fire - Lessons learnt from responding to a large-scale brown coal open-cut mine fire

    The Hazelwood mine fire caused a major air pollution event affecting thousands of residents in nearby towns. This publication has been produced as a resource that may assist other organisations...

  5. 1563.1: Landfills exempt from licensing

    This guideline will assist operators in the siting, design, operation, rehabilitation and aftercare of landfills exempt from licensing. Detailed implementation dates are outlined in the guideline...

  6. 1553: Implementing the National Environment Protection (Assessment of Contaminated Sites) Measure amendment 2013

    The National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure (the ‘ASC NEPM’) was created in 1999 and updated in 2013. It aims to provide adequate protection of human health and the...

  7. 1815: Guide to inspection and inquiry powers

    As an independent statutory authority under the Environment Protection Act 2017 (the Act), our role is to prevent and reduce harm from pollution and waste. This guide explains how authorised officers...

  8. 1726: Incident air monitoring

    EPA’s incident air monitoring is conducted using portable air monitoring equipment that can be deployed by both EPA staff and SES volunteers during a major air pollution incident. It provides up-to-...

  9. 1730: Solid storage and handling guidelines

    This guideline provides information on storage and handling of solid materials, including powders, granules and pellets. Examples of practical controls to prevent spills and loss of materials to the...