Provisions defined in the Environment Protection Act 2017 and the Environment Protection Regulations 2021.
Terms References
aggravated noise Act section 168, regulations 121, 127 and 131
alternative assessment criterion regulation 4
alternative assessment location regulation 4
commercial, industrial and trade premises regulation 4
concert regulation 4
day period regulation 116
day and evening period regulation 123
effective noise level regulation 4
environmental value Act section 3(1)
evening period regulation 116
frequency regulation 4
frequency spectrum regulation 4
general environmental duty (GED) Act section 25
harm Act section 4
indoor entertainment venue regulation 4
major urban area regulation 4
music regulation 4
music noise regulation 4
natural areas Environment Reference Standard clause 4
night period regulation 116 (noise from commercial, industrial and trade premises)
regulation 123 (music noise from indoor entertainment venues)
noise Act section 3(1)
noise limit regulation 4
noise protocol regulation 4
noise sensitive area regulation 4
operating time periods regulation 116 (noise from commercial, industrial and trade premises)
regulation 123 (music noise from indoor entertainment venues)
pollution Act section 3(1)
residential premises Act section 165
rural area regulation 4
standard operating hours regulation 128 (outdoor entertainment venue)
regulation 129 (outdoor entertainment event)
unreasonable noise Act section 3(1)

Reviewed 1 May 2023