1. Separation distance and landfill buffer guidelines

    Guidance for separation distances and landfill buffers gives advice on how to manage areas around landfills and what uses are suitable there...

  2. Maribyrnong River: Risk assessment with consumption of recreationally caught fish

    Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) are a large group of manufactured chemicals. They have been used for several decades in aqueous film-forming foams such as firefighting foams, and...

  3. Annual Report Card – Port Phillip, Western Port and Gippsland Lakes July 2022 to June 2023

    Port Phillip Bay, Western Port Bay and the Gippsland Lakes are Victoria’s largest coastal waterbodies. Report Card 2022-23 looks at water quality between July 2022 and June 2023. We compare results...

  4. Arsenic bioavailability in mine waste

    Bendigo and other parts of Victoria were centres of large goldmining activity in the 1800s and early 1900s. A byproduct of these operations were mine wastes such as calcined sand and grey sands...

  5. Investigating soil arsenic concentrations across Bendigo

    Bendigo and other parts of Victoria were centres of large goldmining activity in the 1800s and early 1900s. A byproduct of these operations were mine wastes such as calcined sand and grey sands. These...

  6. Guidelines for effluent dispersal and recycling systems

    Effluent dispersal and recycling systems (EDRS) are used to manage treated onsite wastewater...

  7. Guidelines for onsite wastewater management

    Onsite Wastewater Management Systems (OWMS), also known as septic systems, manage wastewater at residential, community and business premises...

  8. Air pollution sources in inner west Melbourne

    EPA works with industry, business and communities to reduce air pollution. A focus of this work in recent years has been in Melbourne’s inner west. This area experiences air pollution from a...

  9. Recycled water use in surface waters guideline

    This guideline describes recycled water use in surface waters. It tells you what permission and what information you need to give EPA to apply for a permission...

  10. F1034: Environmental auditor reappointment application (S1)

    This form is to be used by environmental auditors for applications for reappointment as an auditor under the Environment Protection Act 2017. It is to be submitted via the EPA portal with all files (...

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